Whoops, I did it again!
Never miss a Monday (or Tuesday) |
So I was in the gym yesterday scrolling through my newsfeed between sets and it was filled with post’s saying “Never miss a Monday”.
It got me thinking about how true was this statement?
I mean how many of you get to Sunday and find yourself going “Whoops I did it again!”. Another week having not completed all your sessions, maybe even no workouts done or perhaps only one run rather your goal of 3.
Your definitely not alone.
Many of us find ourselves getting to Sunday saying next week will be different only to discover it never is. This is mostly due to the fact that we aren’t changing and until we do Sunday will be filled with more “Whoops we did it again”.
With my training I try not to keep too many workouts to later in the week.
I prefer to what I call “front load it”
So yes I very rarely “Miss a Monday” because with training 6 days a week and often 2 in a day I would have to forgo my day off on a Sunday to catch up which isn’t allowing me that crucial recovery time.
So SET YOURSELF up for success by hitting that 1st workout early in the week. If you leave it much later than Wednesday your then trying to squeeze them into a shorter space of time and will feel like it’s just best to “start again” next week.
I know my training schedule is tough, but it’s realistic for me. I know I can fit it in most weeks and on those slightly harder weeks I treat it as a recovery week so set a more realistic goal for that week.
So BE REALISTIC about how many sessions you can commit to each week.
As you’ll remember from my previous emails it’s better to be consistent 2 x a week for most of the year than sporadic with your training completing 4 sessions one week then none for the next 3 weeks.
Remember “Consistency + Commitment = Results”
I ALWAYS schedule my sessions in my diary like work appointments, this means they are “protected” as much as possible and allows me to prepare everything around them from dinners time to clients, kids and house stuff.
So PLAN time in your week, early in your week, for your training. Actually write it in your diary like an appointment with yourself.
You time.
Be scheduling it in your protecting it and planning around it so there is less chance that other “stuff” will get in the way.
As one Project You client’s said to us this week “I wasn’t sure what to do after the end of the program but know I find the winter hard to train through and having you and Kirsty booked in gives me no excuses!”
So if your struggling with finding that consistency remember we are here to help.
?? Virtually
?? In a group
?? Or 1-2-1
Check out our offerings for November below or if you’d like to book a call with myself or Kirsty to see how we can help you drop us a reply back and we will be in touch.
Here’s to a wonderful November. Where you’ll find me rarely missing a Monday (or Tuesday for that matter!)
Much love
Karen and the team