If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain
So another bank holiday weekend passes us by.
My rehabilitation is going well but I am still a long way from any impact training with only just now being able to single leg calf raise supported.
I am finding the whole healing process so interesting, each day there’s something new that I’ve not been able to do for the last 5-6 weeks and I think that’s helping keep me in my happy place.
I am not rushing this process and actually enjoying spending time researching my injury, the rehabilitation process and even found some very clear guidelines for testing whether I am ready to “run” again and it’s more than just being able to weight bare on one leg or just “jump” again.
My confidence in my calf is what will need some work so having this clear process and set of tests in the future months works perfectly for my mind set and gives me those steps and exercises to work on to progress to these final stages of rehabilitation.
And they do say “If you want the rainbow, you’ve gotta put up with the rain”.
So I am focusing on that rainbow at the end of my rehabilitation process.
In the meantime my training is going well, fitness is my passion, it’s the easy bit for me.
But my nutrition is a bit like the British weather currently – not so hot.
Ever since my return from Poland, where I had two weeks just eating what I fancied when I fancied it, i just can’t seem to get back on the wagon.
Easter weekend, nights out, bank holidays, birthday celebrations and this uncontrollable desire to eat chocolate like the world was about to end if I didn’t !
And there’s no miracle switch back to my usual balanced approach it would seem.
And a lot of our clients feel the same.
When you’ve relaxed your usual routine it’s hard to get back to full focus especially knowing there’s more downtime and bank holidays to come.
So how do we overcome this hurdle?
Simply put.
We go slow with our return to getting back on the wagon.
A gradual return to our bestest routine.
My main meals are all balanced but it’s my snacking that needs the work.
I am not a huge snacker of usual.
But then the last 6 weeks have been far from normal.
So this week I’ve stocked up on healthy snacks.
Brazil nuts, (not the chocolate kind I might like to add), almonds, protein bars and I’ve even made some granola bars.
I’ve gone 48 hours now, yes I’ve consumed a whole bag of Brazil nuts in the process but the chocolate stays in the fridge for the kids to munch their way through.
It’s my first step back to my “normal”, and next week I will look at the next step.
A much more manageable approach that doesn’t leave me screaming “detox” or “starving” myself.
I’ve not set a deadline to when I want to be back on the wagon.
I don’t need to.
I have time.
And with spring my social life bursts and I become much more social than I am in the winter, where you often find me hibernating and I certainly don’t want to be munching salads and restricting my wine to “just the one” whilst I am out and about.
But I do need to find that balance again outside of these occasions.
I am not putting any pressure on myself right now though
Just one step at a time.
So if you’re struggling to get back to your “normal” ways don’t worry about getting back on track straight away.
Take your time.
One step at a time.
Because that one step builds up to lots of steps and before you know it that consistency is back.
And let’s be honest once summer rears its head (and it will) those salads and summer fruits are so much more desirable.
“If you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.”
So work through this rain of bank holidays and upset routines step by step because the rainbow will follow.
And that’s why we’ve chosen June to launch our brand new Small group training program “Project Be More You”.
An 8 week program that allows you to mix and match over a mix of 3-4 sessions a week including boxercise, pilates, resistance training and body weight HIIT with no more than 4 members per class.
The perfect chance to focus, get that group motivation but alongside 1-2-1 coaching enabling adaptations and specifics to your goals that will have you feeling your bestest version by the end of July.
Further details below ??
We hope you’ll join us for a summer of fitness fun and balance whether it’s on Project be more you, Project you, virtually in the women’s wellness club or face to face on shred 40 or our running groups.
Because if we can teach you anything, it’s balance and consistency brings results.
Karen and Kirsty