Are you the tortoise or the hare?

Why being ‘slow’ or ‘unfit’
really doesn’t matter…
One of the most comments heard as a Personal Trainer and Running Coach has to be ‘When I am fitter I will come to one of your classes.’ or ‘I am not fast enough to join one of your running groups’.
I’ve been working in the industry for over 18 years now and specifically with recreational runners in groups since 2013 and this negative thinking is nothing new. Everyone feels they aren’t fit enough for a Strong or PiYo Class or that they are the slowest person I’ve ever had in group or ran with.
I really can’t tell you enough that no one is slow or unfit enough not to join in. A mile is a mile. An hours workout is an hours workout. A personal best over 5 km still brings the same great feelings to someone running sub 20 minutes as to someone running sub 45 minutes. The pride, the feeling of achievement, the medal, the sweat, the aches and finish is the same for everyone.
So all runners, all fitness class members can relate to each other, no matter their ability. No matter their speed. They’ve all worked hard, for the same time or distance.
There will always be someone fitter, someone faster but it doesn’t make you a non-runner if your the tortoise rather than the hare.
It doesn’t make you the unfit one in a class if you’ve only just started. A beginner? Yes. But no one labels or will label you apart from you.
So stop with the negative thoughts. Stop waiting till your fitter or faster to join that fitness class, gym or running group.
Tomorrow will come anyway but think if you started tomorrow where you could be in 3 months time?
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