***Event postponed? Why now your health is even more important***
Look beyond the race
So your race / event has been postponed? What now?
It’s a really tough pill to swallow. Months and months of training. Cold mornings, Soaking wet runs. Cross training sessions, Classes. All on top of working and running a household.
It would be all to easy to give up.
What the point you ask?
Now more than ever we need to remember the reasons why you you train? why do you run? why do you workout?
- Fitter and healthier
- Inspire children and family and friends
- Improved mental health
- Losing weight
- Boosts your immue system
- Friendships
- Getting outside
- Makes you happy
To watch my facebook live video on how to keep motivated please click here:
Keep healthy, get outside, use virtual training tools, download apps, get outside and keep positive for yourself and those around you.