A little help from your friends …
So how often do we find it hard to ask for help?
It’s seen as a weakness isn’t it ?
I hate asking for help, it’s one of my ‘things’ I just don’t do but after 2 DNS at my ultra marathon attempts last year I knew that if I was going to make the start line on my 3rd attempt I needed that ‘something’ else to help me break a mental barrier of illness before a ‘big’ race attempt. It’s something I am use to falling ill before I race and when I look back it’s been part of my race process now for many years, the pressure maybe? The expectations from friends and clients? Or just the lack of a taper before a race (as a running instructor there is often no opportunity for tapering).
I approached and ask for the help of Geeta Negroni, Pranic Heeler and complementary therapist in the lead up to my 3rd attempt at an Ultra Marathon in February this year.
Geeta broke down those mental barriers, negative mind set and helped me focus. All things we feel when we lead into a big event whether it’s for the first time or those of your chasing a time.
Even on race day one message to her and minutes later my mind set was changed and I found an ‘inner’ strength to power through the last 10 miles at sub 10 minute miles.
Geeta has extensive experience working with runners including ultra marathon runner Karen Hathaway (see the blog here)https://
Following my experience we are now running two workshop’s between now and the Reading Half Marathon, Brighton Marathon and London Marathon with individual 1-2-1 ten minute taster sessions included:
Tuesday 22nd March 9.30-12.00
Thursday 31st March 7.00pm – 9.30pm
To book your spot on this sought after workshop please click here:http://elite-
Sometimes we need a little help and in doing so we reach those goals 🙂