Lady Birds 5 k – 10k course
A 7 week course starting from w/c 2nd November – 14th December. Other than covering distance sessions will include some emphasis on speed training, and technique to encourage efficiency and safe increase of distance with weekly topics covering hydration, breathing techniques, nutrition and race strategies. Each session lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour 15 minutes and costs £63 for the whole course.
Sessions are held at the following venues and times:
Tuesday 3rd November – Tuesday 15th December – Cantley Park, Wokingham 10.15am
Tuesday 3rd November – Tuesday 15th December – Cantley Park, Wokingham 8.30pm
Wednesday 4th November – Wednesday 16th December – Caversham, 8.15pm
Thursday 5th November – Thursday 17th December – Yateley, 7.30pm