This is me – Keeping injury free
***This is me***

I’ve been really forunate to have found a fabulous sprint coach who understands the physical demands of my job so works round the weeks I’ve got high mileage legs, we focus on technique instead and he watches me like a hawk to check how tired those legs really look. And yes when you’ve got a half marathon group your about to lead up to marathon ready for April 2020 these legs do start to feel it. He really does keep a check on me to though to ensure that I don’t push past pushing too hard.
My Personal Trainer also has set some me some great weight sessions for in the gym and been really working on my confidence at being in the gym and using the equipment in what I call the ‘big boys gym’. The weights I should be lifting means I couldn’t stay in my comfort zone of the women’s only section and needed to step into the main gym area to lift the weights set out in the plan. So the squat rack it is and somehow I think I will find a true love of the next phase of my plan the ‘Power phase’.
My kick-boxing is still in my plan twice a week and I just love these sessions, it really breaks me away from any other type of fitness I do. I am learning new skills (which I will hopefully never use in real life) but also I am being pushed 1-2-1. There really is no time you work harder than when you’ve got someone 1-2-1 working with you.
However, the best thing about my current training regiume is being able to train with my youngest son Jayden. He really has been a joy as a training partner on the nights I find myself on my own training, he’s a great motivator, we both benefit as spinters and he has definitely played a huge part in me finding my love of track training again.
Next year there is lots of variety in my challenges but for now I’ve one focus, to get stronger, stay injury free and enjoy those hard winter months of training to come.
Thank you once again to my key sponsor Benedict Charles Financial https://www.benedictcharles.
And also my other great sponsors and supporters of 2019:
FastTrack Fit Camp https://www.fasttrack-fitcamp.
Back to Motion
Barkham Beauty Rooms https://www.
Forest MOT
VB counselling services https://www.counselling-…/ vanessa-brown