Foam Rolling Workshop for Runners
In collaboration with Challenge Fitness we are pleased to present a foam rolling workshop specifically designed with runners in mind.
What is foam rolling and how can it help?
Foam rolling is also known as self-myofascial release which is a professional way of saying self-massage to release muscle tightness or trigger points.
Trigger points are specific “knots” that form in muscles. You will be able to work out the knots in your own muscles. By releasing trigger points you can help re-establish correct movement patterns and pain free movement.
In the workshop you will understand how the foam rollering works and be shown how to use the roller to help sort out your muscles after running. It is primarily a PRACTICAL workshop – just enough “science” to help you understand why you are doing it and help iron out your muscles and feel so much better!
Instructor: Wendy Hamilton
Date: Wednesday 3rd February
Time: 20.00 pm – 21.00 pm
Duration: 1 hour
Venue: Wokingham Studio, Eastheath Avenue, Wokingham, RG41 2PR
RIGHT next door to Citroemech, which is well signed from Molly Millar’s Lane. Parking available at Lidl
Cost: £13 including the use of a foam roller on the workshop.