You know that “Meh” Feeling? It has a name.
A real, proper, name. |
So are you lacking your typical joy or spark of lately?
Going through the daily motions, ticking the boxes of daily life but not with that buzz you usually have but equally not with any particular sadness or reason for feeling so “meh”?
Well your not alone, hot in discussion right now it would seem that many of us are feeling this way, and coming out of the last few years, navigating the changes that came with lockdowns and covid it’s no surprise.
Would you believe that on further research I’ve discovered that this feeling of fog, days just passing you by without really acknowledging them not only is a “thing” but also has a name !
Yes. A real name.
Meet “languishing”.
Not a word I made up but a real word as referred to by Sociologist Corey Keyes as the opposite of flourishing.
A place of limbo, where life buzzes around you but you feel overwhelmed and everyday tasks feel like a huge effort and not even the things you once enjoyed can motivate you.
“I can’t be a**ed” a turn of phase a client of past said who I bumped into recently.
And I get it !
With yet more uncertainty ahead, all the doom and gloom in the news It’s hard to find joy in those things you once loved and got excited about in years gone by.
Those daily tasks feeling like a mountain.
It’s just to much after the last few years.
But there’s only one way out of it.
You know what I am going to say now and for fear of sounding like a mother hen repeating herself I am still going to say it anyway!
Take that step back to doing those things you love.
Something that’s meaningful to YOU.
That once brought you JOY.
You’ll soon find yourself getting absorbed.
Finding that welcomed distraction from the world around you.
Give yourself a break. Just immersing yourself in a routine of work, eat, sleep & repeat isn’t going to help.
Give yourself a morning coffee, an afternoon walk to reenergise.
You’ll find you become more productive and taking those small steps will feel like you are progressing forward rather than remaining static.
Lastly set goals.
Daily goals.
Bring back some meaning to your day outside of those mundane tasks.
By focusing as little as 5 minutes a day on a goal you can make huge leaps to feeling accomplished.
So if you feel you are someone who is suffering from languishing
Know your NOT alone.
Know you are NOT stuck
Know you CAN do something to find your way back to YOU again.
Take those first steps.
You might dread it to start with but once you start, once you rejoin that much loved hobby or group of past the joy it brought, the fire it lit WILL return.
The team are starting to prepare for Elite Conditioning’s 20th year.
Something that will see old and new come together under the Elite Conditioning umbrella, something that sparks that fire in us.
We hope you’ll be part of our journey into 2023 in someway, perhaps by re-joining that run group you so enjoyed of past. Or perhaps that virtual program you loved in lockdown.
Or if you feel you need that extra accountability and more personal approach we have just released further Project You and 1-2-1 Personal training slots.
So here’s to new words and realising that sometimes “Karenisum’s” are actually real words.