Find Your Ready Break Glow
Surround yourself with inspiring people |
Trail run instructor Debbie and I have just returned from our yearly running challenge that we like to do together.
Slightly earlier this year than other years and with the addition of kayaking to bring a real concept of challenge to experienced runners.
Planned just after lockdown 1, We remember it vividly. Me sat at home flicking through socials and there it was, the Rat Race Santorini circuit challenge that had sold out in days with another weekend open.
A frantic text to Debbie saying “go go! book now” whilst Debbie was out in Greece looking at museums!!!
Boom, we were in.
And suddenly 2 years have passed and our 5 am alarm is going off on race morning.
A short drive to the start line with 25 other “Rat Racers” and we are all kitted out for the sunrise kayak in pairs and a run from one end of the island to the other including the highest peak on Santorini.
A stunning adventure that brought so many unlikely people together, working as a team.
From all backgrounds, age ranging from 29 to 60+ (no Debbie wasn’t the oldest to her pleasant surprise!!), from builders, IT bods, geologists and rugby players and my favourite a couple who walked the whole challenge to soak in the sights along the way.
The finish was quite emotional as they spent over 12 hours out in the heat, working together as a team.
As we sat their with our celebration drink at the finish line, we couldn’t help but look around and marvel at the group of people who would never usually socialise together but all got on so well.
Because we had the same gaol, each of us inspiring in our own right, making things happen and experiencing life.
So much laughter and everyone congratulating everyone no matter the pace or ability because this is what makes this challenge so accessible to all.
It may be the Rat Race Santorini circuit challenge but the support crew and other participants support you on YOUR goal, to complete it YOUR way however that way may be.
It’s a true inclusive team feel and whether it’s a Rat race challenge or sprinting as a masters athlete I always return from spending time with people who share the same passion for life as myself with a renewed “ready brek” glow.
It’s the same feeling our group members get from their sessions, whether they are running or working out with our Shred 40 crew or online with our Women’s wellness club everyone, no matter their background, has the same goal. To be the best version of strong and fit they can be.
A group of ladies who face different struggles in the outside world but that come together to encourage, support and be a each other’s cheerleaders.
Bringing fitness and friendships together.
So If your looking for that group to hang out with, a group to inspire you, a group with a common goal, looking to make those changes then look no further.
?A group that will give you that Ready Brek glow, every time.
We hope you’ll join us on pushing through those dark winter months.
Stronger Together.
Karen and the team