When you struggle to juggle
Learn to say no and yes! |
What a whirlwind of a few weeks it’s been, more and more I am hearing about how we are all having to juggle life’s balls to make it through the day currently.
It’s becoming such a fine art I feel it should become a sport, and then there are the days where even the best of us struggle to juggle.
One ball crashing down after another, that’s when I know I am not firing on all cylinders and it’s time to take back control and drop the balls I know will bounce back up again rather than those that will break like glass and be unrepairable.
So it’s a no to overcommitting, no to the things that won’t serve me and a yes to the things that will keep my balls juggling by bringing me that energy I need to juggle rather than struggle.
AND I will do it unapologetically.
So if you are also feeling the struggle of the juggle learn to say no.
Don’t feel the need to please everyone because you won’t be able to, take back that mid-week evening invitation out to be with the family, to stop and breath, to chill out or work out. Whatever helps to keep you balanced and your balls juggling.
But also learn to say yes.
Yes to rest.
Yes to help.
Yes to spending time working on you.
Yes to the life you want.
So if you’ve woken up this morning already tired remember those simple words yes and no. Say no to those rubber balls that will understand and bounce back and yes to the glass balls that will take longer to repair like family time, you time, your health and fitness and your happiness. After all if your broken you’ll take longer to come back than any rubber ball
What will you find yourself saying no and yes to today?
Much love
Karen and the Team