Stay in your own lane, it will bring more success
Over the last few newsletters I’ve spoke about patience, persistence and perseverance and this week it’s about staying focused on your lane.
Having had a few weeks of racing and back in my training cycle it’s hard not to ponder what my competitors are doing.
Watching as other athletes race, athletes knock out heavier weights, different gym sessions to mine or different track sessions to what I am doing.
BUT I am a very different athlete to most.
A single mum to 3 children, a business owner and a college tutor.
A running coach who is training clients for not only speed but also half marathons and marathons.
A virtual studio instructor teaching various classes a week.
All on top of my sprint training which I’ve become much more focused on this winter with more sessions each week than previous years.
It’s a balancing act, one that my coaches and i have to work with and adapt as necessary.
I am not a “normal” sprinter.
So how can I compare myself with anyone else?
I confess in the past I have spent many hours looking through social media at what everyone else is doing, wondering if my plan is the right one, wondering if I should be doing more, hearing the various supplements and the pre-race drinks athletes take leaving me wondering if my ritual of a pre race “small red wine” the night before should be removed?
This comparison was the fast-track way to failure.
Messing with my head, taking up precious energy and left me feeling like I was failing.
BUT this year one of my goals was to stay focused on my lane and not look over into anyone else’s.
My circumstances are very different and I have to train differently.
To stay focused on my lane.
To keep my head space clear of any other noise.
To stay focused on my lane.
To listen to my body and mind.
To adapt and amend my training to suit me and my schedule and my body.
To stay focused on my lane.
To work at my pace and work on me, my way.
So if you set some goals and aren’t getting where you want or aren’t progressing as quickly as you’d like to, but see others killing theirs and want to know what it is their doing because you’ll get the same results right ?
Think again!!
It’s highly unlikely.
Everyone is different.
Different bodies.
Different commitments.
Different responsibilities.
Different minds.
If you can break one habit right now stop comparing your health and fitness journey to others.
Instead focus on staying in your lane and find a workout program that works for you.
One that’s personal to YOU.
And if your not sure what works for you, start small.
Work with adaptations.
Build up slowly.
Find the right balance for you.
As with most things whatever you decide is right for you staying consistent is key and understanding that hitting those goals won’t happen overnight.
And neither will following what anyone else is doing.
I’ve one more race now before the World Masters Championships in Poland and am staying focused on my journey for these final 3 weeks, not getting caught up in any last minute cramming of training or silly changes just “because I saw someone else doing xxx”, because my journey is very different from everyone else’s.
So stay focused on you and your journey and know that the Elite Conditioning team is here if you need any help in finding that balance that works for YOU.
Karen and the team