Take the guess work out of fitness
If you one of the many sat at home thinking that you should exercise but are confused by all the fitness fads flying around your not alone.
Perhaps you’ve found your “thing” but wonder if you should be mixing it up or changing it to being those results your after but there’s so much choice your not really sure where to begin so just stick with what you know?
Maybe your a fad follower? One week it’s Zumba the next you’ve been pulled into the latest “new class” that will sky rocket your health and fitness into new realms.
Fads will come and go and aren’t often those long term fitness solutions that most of us are looking for, they are exactly that. A fad, the promise of a quick fix that do not bring about changes in behaviour long term.
Fads also don’t take into account those personal goals such as health, weight control, fitness, fun or even stress management.
Fads don’t take into account your personal journey.
Unless you are training for a competitive sport that demands a high volume of training specific to the performance of the sport you should most definitely be looking to include a wide variety of activities in your overall fitness program.
There is no one exercise that is the best for everyone. We are all different and so should our fitness regimes be.
Too much of any one thing is not the answer to a well balance health and fitness program. In fact it’s the fast track way to not only injury but boredom too.
Your fitness program should include a wide variety of activities to continually challenge the body to adapt and strengthen based on YOUR current fitness level, skills, interests and goals.
Gain an understanding of what the activity your doing is working on.
Fitness is broken down into various categories, cardio training, muscle strength and endurance, mobility and body composition.
In planning your weekly workouts the ideal program should include exercises that focus on each of these training areas and those areas YOU want to work on.
Perhaps your a runner, but have weak glutes?
Maybe it’s your core or back that’s letting you down in terms of posture at your desk or exercise technique?
Maybe your coming back from an injury and you need a more specific plan based on building up the area in question?
That’s exactly why our virtual studio is built the way it is.
Yes we’ve got lift lean our resistance training program, shred 20 our bodyweight hiit training program and FLEX our flexibility and mobility program BUT they are broken into body part / fitness specific training days.
Lift lean – Lower body, back, core, upper body and glutes
Shred 20 – Cardio, Lower body, SAP (speed, agility and power), core and upper body
FLEX – Gravity yoga for that perfect flexibility program, pilates for that stronger core, FLEX for improving mobility.
So weak glutes? You can mix and match between programs, lower body days on shred and lift lean alongside glute day and gravity yoga to increase flexibility.
Does your posture need help? Mixing up lift lean back day with core day on shred 20 and our mobility class F L E X on our FLEX program.
Whatever you do find a harmony between your workouts, they should marry together to compliment each other but also work on YOUR goals, which will be different from your neighbour to your work colleagues, and even your instructor.
Do try out those new fitness fads, but don’t forget the basics of fitness that are based on the science and never go out of fashion, the ones that will build the foundation of any health and fitness plan and …
Make it personal. Personal to you.
If you need any help knowing what classes fit best to your goals then drop us a message or give us a call because whether your after the ease of a virtual program or face to face to even working 1-2-1 we’ve got an option for you.
Have a great week all.
Karen and the team